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MzRizk NAT 2020

MzRizk was invited by the Artistic Director of the Biennale of Sydney 2020 Brook Andrew to participate as an artist. 


The sound work was installed and on display at the National Art School, NSW for one day in March 2020, all sites shut down days after due to the pandemic.

From August 7th to September 26th, 2020, the installation was relocated to Carriageworks, NSW. For more information here.


MzRizk's sound work was a 3.5 hour journey of Arabic music, including samples that have been used by producers in the west. You can hear a sample of the work below.


00:00 / 23:18

Work Details 

Ahla 2u Sahla, 2020
audio installation
Commissioned by the Biennale of Sydney. Courtesy the artist. 


“Ahla 2u Sahla simply translates to ’welcome’ in Arabic. We say it when people come into our home. As a second-generation Lebanese residing in Australia, the importance of hospitality and welcoming people into the home was a central familial and cultural value that greatly informed my early years; and the simple act of welcoming underpins my work as a creative. 
The Lebanese Civil War ended in 1990, however Lebanon has not rested. From political 
corruption to small wars continuing, it seems as though Lebanon does not know peace. In 2019, the revolution began due to an economic crisis and in 2020 the pandemic has forced the people back into their homes.


A form of protest during the revolution in 2019/2020 was a DJ playing off a balcony in Tripoli, demonstrating the importance of music in Lebanese culture. This work is a brief tribute to a rich musical history in the Middle East – not only Lebanon, as we listen to music from neighbouring countries including Egypt and Syria. Considering Arabic music is constantly sampled, borrowed and sometimes stolen by those from the West – and next door, it was imperative that this work represents where the music has come from and where it is taking us…”

MzRizk is a musicophile and sound artist, renowned for her ongoing contributions to Melbourne’s rich cultural and music landscape. Her many projects are a distinct blend of music knowledge, creative diversity and cultural and community engagement. As a Melbourne-based DJ, event curator and radio presenter, MzRizk brings together music-loving communities through radio, DJ slots, workshops, venue residencies, festivals, artist support and special events, while continuing to play a pivotal role in connecting music-loving folks across Australia and abroad. For NIRIN, MzRizk has created an immersive audio installation highlighting the importance of music and sound in the construct of cultural identity.


MzRizk also performed DJ sets at the Biennale launch events and at the MCA Art Bar Nirin Edition in June 2020 on the rooftop terrace.


MzRizk also curated a playlist for NIRIN and can be played via spotify.







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